Building cross-platform browser add-ons using Web Extension API

1957 days ago,4899 views
Presented by Jyotsna Gupta

Building cross-platform browser add-ons using Web Extension API. Browser Add-ons can extend and modify the functionality of a browser. They help us to personalize the browser as per our need. I will be walking through some of the existing add-ons to outline the potential of add-ons. Participants will learn how easily they can develop a Firefox or Chrome add-on or port Firefox add-on to other browsers(Chrome, Opera, Edge, etc.) by having basic knowledge of JavaScript using WebExtensions API.

About Jyostna
Jyotsna is an Open Source Enthusiast, working as a Software Developer in CoffeeBeans, Bangalore. She is a TechSpeaker at Mozilla and volunteers to Mozilla in her free time as an Add-on Content Reviewer & Add-ons Featured Advisory Board Member. She has served on the judging panel for the Firefox Quantum Extensions Challenge. She is also a Firefox Add-ons Mentor and has published a privacy-themed add-on PrivateX. For her contributions to Mozilla, her name is also listed in about:credits and the credits page of every shipped Firefox browser. She energizes herself by playing Badminton, TT, Carrom, Chess, and Basketball. She prefers to spend most of the time in her room, else she feels to travel the world. If you don’t see her doing any of the above, then you’ll find probably find her sleeping and dreaming for hours, maybe days?



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