Subscriptions, Event Emitters, and Websockets: Dealing with Real Time Data

1895 days ago,9910 views
Presented by Kyle Davis

When building a basic CRUD application with Node.js you don’t often have to deal with events - they’ve been abstracted away many layers down. But when dealing with real-time asynchronous data - think a data stream or being subscribed in a pub/sub system, data comes in fast and furious and you have to deal with this evented data in a way that makes sense to a connected user. In this talk, we’ll discuss how you can use Node.js’ event emitters and websockets to transmit this data to users without having to deal with complex, wasteful and slow ad-hoc connections. Examples will use Redis Pub/Sub and Streams, but concepts are generalizable to any asynchronous incoming data.

About Kyle
Kyle Davis is the Head of Developer Advocacy at Redis Labs. Before joining Redis Labs, he worked as an independent full-stack architect and code quality consultant. Kyle has written extensively on Node.js and Redis.
Kyle holds a Bachelors of Science in Computer Publishing & Telecommunications from the University of Southern Indiana and a Masters of Science in College Student Personnel Administration from the University of Central Missouri.



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